Aaron Stoler
NAPIRE 2014, Las Cruces Biological Field Station
Costa Rica

In the summer of 2014, I served as a research mentor for the NSF-funded Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience (NAPIRE) program through the Organization for Tropical Studies. The students were among the most amazing students I have ever mentored, my fellow mentors gave the program a rich, multicultural scientific experience, and I had an absolutely amazing and memorable experience.

A stream mesocosm experiment conducted in the middle of secondary forest in Costa Rica! We siphoned water from upstream and ran it through separate channels to test the effects of organic material loss on nutrient cycling.

In the summer of 2014, I served as a research mentor for the NSF-funded Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience (NAPIRE) program through the Organization for Tropical Studies. The students were among the most amazing students I have ever mentored, my fellow mentors gave the program a rich, multicultural scientific experience, and I had an absolutely amazing and memorable experience.
In the summer of 2014, I served as a research mentor for the NSF-funded Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience (NAPIRE) program through the Organization for Tropical Studies. The students were among the most amazing students I have ever mentored, my fellow mentors gave the program a rich, multicultural scientific experience, and I had an absolutely amazing and memorable experience.