Aaron Stoler
Publications and presentations
For a copy of my CV, click here
Publications (* indicates undergraduate author):
Published / In press
Stoler, A. B. and R. A. Relyea. 2013. Bottom-up meets top-down: leaf litter inputs influence predator-prey interactions in wetlands. Oecologia 173:249-257
Stoler, A. B. and R. A. Relyea. 2013. Leaf litter quality induces morphological and developmental changes in larval amphibians. Ecology 94:1594-1603
Hua, J., R. D. Cothran, A. B. Stoler, and R. A. Relyea. 2013. Cross-tolerance in amphibians: wood frog mortality when exposed to three insecticides with a common mode of action. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32:932-936.
Stoler, A. B. and R. A. Relyea. 2011. Turning over a new leaf: the influence of leaf litter on forested pond communities in mesocosms. Oikos 120:862-872

These are called books. Once upon a time, this was where journal articles were found. They smelled good and were far better on your eyes than a computer screen. Amazingly, they did not require any electricity to run.

Invited Presentations:
2018 When man and nature collide: explorations in freshwater ecotoxicology. Stockton University, NJ
2018 From wading pools to watersheds: aquatic community ecology in a changing world. Rowan University, NJ
2017 From wading pools to watersheds: aquatic community ecology in a changing world. University of Texas San Antonio, TX
2017 From wading pools to watersheds: aquatic community ecology in a changing world. Lebanon Valley University, PA
2017 From wading pools to watersheds: aquatic community ecology in a changing world. Scranton University, PA
2017 From wading pools to watersheds: aquatic community ecology in a changing world. Merrimack College, MA
2016 From wading pools to watersheds: aquatic community ecology in a changing world. Utah State University, UT
2016 Exploring aquatic-terrestrial linkages in a changing world. High Point University, NC
2016 Exploring aquatic-terrestrial linkages in a change world. Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
2015 Does diversity matter: exploring the role of species diversity in forests and wetlands. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY
2013 From tree to pond: how changes in temperate forests alter wetland commuinities. Cornell University, Ithaca NY
2011 Conceptualizing diversity in northeast forests and understanding the link to ecosystem function. Slippery Rock University Department Seminar Series, Slippery Rock PA
2010 Living in the litter: the impact of tree litter diversity on forest aquatic habitats. Clarion University Departmental Seminar Series, Clarion PA
Conference presentations
2019 Ecotoxicological effects of microplastic in freshwater environments. Stoler, A., Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Stockton University, Galloway, NJ
2019 Ecotoxicological effects of microplastic in freshwater environments. Stoler, A., Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, UT
2018 Does road salt facilitate the invasion of a carnivorous aquatic plant? Ghimirey, A.*, Beidler, R.*, Stoler, A. B., Urban, R. A., University of Maryland Baltimore County Undergraduate Research Symposium, Baltimore MD
2017 The impacts of road salt salinization on lake food webs. Hintz, W. D., Coldsnow, K. D., Schuler, M. S., Stoler, A. B., Jones, D. K., Lind, L., Mattes, B. M., Relyea, R. A. Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network, Lake Mohonk, NY
2017 Subsidies, salt, and sex ratios: interactive effects of road salt pollution with variation in leaf litter quality on wetland consumers. Society of Freshwater Science, Raleigh, NC
2017 Global-scale Patterns and Drivers of Organic Matter Decomposition in Streams and Riparian Zones. Tiegs, S.D., Costello, D., Szlag, D., Isken, M., Ethaiya, D. and the CELLDEX Consortium. Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, NC
2015 Litter leachates inhibit growth of a common amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Ecological Society of America, Baltimore MD (Poster)
2014 Differential assimilation of leaf litter resources by common wetland consumers. Joint Aquatic Society Meeting (JASM), Portland OR
2012 The influence of leaf litter chemistry and diversity on larval anurans. World Congress of Herpetology (WCH), Vancouver, BC
2011 Functional trait diversity of leaf litter and its influence on biological processes of forest ponds. Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting, Austin TX
2010 Love in the litter: the effect of leaf litter on amphibian oviposition site selection. Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh PA
2009 How the presence of leaves from different species of trees in the water affect the survival of tadpoles and the gastropods Physa acuta and Helisoma trivolvis. Ohio River Valley Unified Malacologists (OVUM) Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh PA
2009 The effect of American chestnut leaf litter on forested pond ecosystems. The American Chestnut Foundation Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh PA
2009 Turning over a new leaf: the effect of tree litter on forested ponds and wetland communities. Ecology Society of American (ESA) Annual Meeting, Albuquerque NM
2009 Turning over a new leaf: the influence of tree litter on forest pond communities. North American Benthological Society (NABS) Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids MI
Public seminars
2017 Upcoming: Importance of aquatic weeds in lake ecosystems. Presentation to the Synder's L.A.K.E. Association
2014 After the fall: how autumn leavesaffect ponds and streams. "Science Saturday" public talk at Belle Isle Conservancy, Detroit MI
2011 Diversity for what it's worth. Meeting of the Wissahickon Nature Club, Sewickley PA
2009 Frogs, trees, and leaves: how leaf litter changes a pond environment. Meeting of the Wissahickon Nature Club, Sewickley PA