Aaron Stoler
I hail from Baltimore, Maryland. I received a bachelor's degree in Geography and Environmental Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. I studied stream ecology under Dr. Christopher Swan. I received my PhD in ecology from the University of Pittsburgh, studying under Dr. Rick Relyea. After Pittsburgh, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Oakland University in Rochester, MI with Dr. Tom Raffel. After working with Tom for a year, I moved on to a visiting faculty position at Oakland and taught introductory biology, scientific communication, and advanced topics in evolution. After that, I moved on to a postdoctoral researcher at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where I worked with the Jefferson Project (see Research section). Now I am teaching and researching in southern New Jersey
When I'm not working, I have more hobbies than I know what to do with. I love hiking, kayaking, and fishing. I'm not very good at fishing. I mostly just like to sit next to a lake or stand in a stream and meditate. I just hold a fishing pole to stop people from asking me what I'm doing. I also enjoy gardening, woodworking, crocheting, reading, brewing wine and beer, playing guitar, and volunteering with my local community.

There are times when I'm not really sure if I'm out looking for nature, or if nature is out looking for me...